TECTÓNICA CULTURAL is a non-profit association created in 2022 by a team of art and culture professionals committed to the personal and professional development of cultural agents.

The concept of tectonic culture was addressed by Kenneth Frampton in 1995. In his book, Studies on tectonic culture, he states that each human place on the planet has its own identity and authenticity, which deserves respect and recognition.

In this sense, from our association we consider that each place must be understood in a transversal and interdisciplinary way. The connection of people with their environment must be taken care of and serve as inspiration for cultural interventions as well. Taking this into account implies structuring the territory and promoting autonomous and flexible thinking.

From Tectónica Cultural we promote cultural diversity and social participation. We are committed to equal opportunities and promote culture as a driver for development. For this reason, we generate projects that involve the promotion of cultural agents that are not visible, because visibility matters.


We have an interdisciplinary team to develop our projects, among which are:


Clara Albacete,
cultural manager.


Jordi Albacete,


Jaime López,
cultural manager, museologist, curator and art consultant.


Laura LLaneli,
artist and consultant.


Edu Comelles,
artist, musician and cultural manager.




PIONEER PROJECT, which since 2020 has been working with rural women visual artists, promoting their personal and professional development through training sessions, promoting their artistic production and generating collaborative projects to develop teamwork and encourage the creation of artistic collectives.

Visit the website



(Artistes Visuals en Entorns Rurals)

Se trata de un nuevo programa con cuatro artistas invitados: Paula Belinchón, Isabel Campos, Rubén Chumillas i Miriam Gascón para desarrollar un proyecto colaborativo site-specific en el entorno rural de Cuenca.

Artistas visuales en entornos rurales


DAR Project arrives in Castilla La Mancha as a cultural accelerator

DAR Project arrives in Castilla La Mancha as a cultural accelerator

DAR expands! The trajectory of Dones Artistes Rurals, by Tectónica Cultural, begins in Castilla La Mancha as a cultural accelerator thanks to the European Next Generation funds. From the second half of 2024 to the first half of 2026, the project will cover the entire...

Professional orientation course for visual artists by Arte Sostenible

Professional orientation course for visual artists by Arte Sostenible

This week the visual artists of DAR del Maestrat and Els Ports will take five theoretical and practical didactic units within the professional orientation course given by the Asociación Arte Sostenible. During these sessions the artists will work on creating their...

Tectónica Cultural takes stock of 2023

Tectónica Cultural takes stock of 2023

As we come to the end of 2023, we would like to look back on all that Tectónica Cultural has done and its consequences: We have developed four editions of DAR (Dones Artistes Rurals), two of them in Comunidad Valenciana financed by the Consorci de Museus de la...

Last weeks to apply for the DAR call in Maestrat i Els Ports

Last weeks to apply for the DAR call in Maestrat i Els Ports

The call for the initiative Dones Artistes Rurals (DAR) in El Maestrat and Els Ports will be open until 29 October. Don't miss the opportunity to sign up for this edition of the cultural project that will seek to make visual artists visible in the region. The project...

DAR Project artists share their experience in CCCC Podcast

DAR Project artists share their experience in CCCC Podcast

Representatives of the DAR Project took part in the "CCCC Podcast", a programme of El Centro del Carme Cultura Contemporània. The artists, from the Serrania, Alcoià-Comtat, Alt Palància and La Vall d'Albaida, shared the preliminary projects developed in DAR and...

The artists of the 5 editions of DAR hold a meeting in Alcoy

The artists of the 5 editions of DAR hold a meeting in Alcoy

The project Dones Artistes Rurals (DAR), of Tectónica Cultural, has celebrated on 23rd and 24th September in Alcoy the meeting of the artists of the 5 editions carried out. The artists of the second edition of DAR, Alcoià i Comtat, hosted the event. During the days...