Representatives of the DAR Project took part in the “CCCC Podcast”, a programme of El Centro del Carme Cultura Contemporània. The artists, from the Serrania, Alcoià-Comtat, Alt Palància and La Vall d’Albaida, shared the preliminary projects developed in DAR and reflected on the impact that this cultural project has had on their region and, fundamentally, on their lives.
Being a woman, an artist and living in a rural environment means a triple difficulty to develop professionally. The lack of knowledge of how the art market works in order to manage an artistic career means that the group of rural women artists can hardly make themselves visible as creators, nor make a living from their artistic production. Proyecto DAR was created to provide solutions, to work with rural women artists to promote cultural management and their personal and professional development.
“In the editions we have been running, all of them have created their own association and many of the artists have managed to make a living from art and become professional”, explained Clara Albacete, president of Tectónica Cultural. “We encourage the artists to become members so that they have more visibility, create a network of contacts and can more easily exhibit their work”, added Albacete.
For her part, the visual artist Miriam Barea, a participant in the Alcoià-Comtat edition, said that thanks to Proyecto DAR she has been able to exploit her passion for embroidered ironwork. “As a result of the creation of a collective, we have held an exhibition all together in Alcoy and different cultural events. We want to reach more venues and we would like to be joined by visual artists as well as artists from the fields of dance, writing and music”, said Barea.
The artists of the Alt Palància edition explained how they created the RuralArte collective. “It has made us reconnect with our vocation and increase social participation. It has also given us a lot on a personal level, as we have been able to meet many artists in the same situation”, they explained.
The artists from the Vall d’Albaida region agreed that Proyecto DAR is an essential tool for the professionalisation of rural women artists and for creating new networks of contacts. “We have been able to connect, increase cultural diversity and generate synergies. We have been able to connect, increase cultural diversity and generate synergies. We are much stronger as a group than individually”, the artists corroborated.
For their part, the artists of the Mar de la Serranía Collective explained how they are working on exhibitions in their locality and their intention to make the women artists of the region more visible.
Don’t miss the full podcast here.